My regular work operations require me to subscribe to the calendar feeds of other work groups. I currently do this in Apple Cal. If I could do it in Heyspace, and also have a 'master calendar' view that shows tasks from all spaces in one place (it looks like you're already working on the latter), I wouldn't need Apple Cal anymore. That would be great!
It seems that, currently, calendar integration exports only a task's due date so it appears as an all-day event in an external calendar on only the due date. It would be great if this were the default if the task has only a due date assigned. However, if it also has a start date, please allow the task to be exported as a multi-day event so that its full duration is visible in the external calendar.
It would be great to be able to export tasks with colour coding. If this is not possible with a single calendar subscription URL (?) it would be nice to be able to import different spaces' calendars separately.
Alternatively, I would be happy to use Heyspace as my primary calendar, and so not need to export calendars at all but to do that I would need to be able to import other people's shared calendars into Heyspace like I currently do in Apple Cal.
I find your program very useful to track the tasks of all my employees, but find it very difficult to track and individuals tasks.
I have set up Lists of To Do, In progress and completed for each of the companies we service.
The problem my employees have is that they struggle to keep track of the tasks assigned to them if they click on their name under team.
They will have 15 companies with tasks for each of these companies under work in progress but have 15 work in progress lists.
thank you for your feedback!
The first hint is if you hover on the planet near List name you will see the name of a Space.
You could use a Calendar view in private conversations, different Spaces have different colors so might be easier. Or a List view in a Calendar?
Unfortunately, there is no other view for you to use. We are working on global Calendar but in this case, it might not be helpful.
I will try to think about other ways to solve your issue. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
thank you for the feedback!
I really hope that it will be fixed soon. We just submited an update with Apple so it should work soon.
Best regards,
If the task is done before the due date. it supposed to remain green.
For example.
A task due date is on the 19th of May, the task set as done on the 18th of May. on the 20th of May, the color of the due date is converted to red. it supposed to remain in green as long as the task is done before the due date.
The ability to have audio calls on channels. They should work like Ryver, which works the same as discord except discord has audio-only channels seperate to text-only channels. Ryver allows audio on the text channels (ie hybrid). It should be as simple as hopping onto a channel's audio like yuo do in discord/ryver.
If we had this, we would be able to use as our "all in one" app. Currently we use and discord we use for voice calls.
thank you for the feedback!
We are discussing internal audio calls but in the meantime, we will implement hangouts integration available in Spaces and private chats.
Should be done within a week or two.
Thank you for your feedback!
We are currently working on a possibility to copy Spaces, so that will somehow solve your request.
Next thing is export/import to excel and creating templates. I would say within a month we will have that.
Simple use the @ symbol to mention a teammate in the card description.
I want to do this so I can have one person responsible for a card for which I use the assign feature but if other stakeholders need to provide support, I would like to mention/alert them in the description area. ("@David will provide the info you need").
You can already do it in the comment area of the card, just asking to add the functionality to the card description.
Add option to subscribe to external calendars suggestion Resolved
My regular work operations require me to subscribe to the calendar feeds of other work groups. I currently do this in Apple Cal. If I could do it in Heyspace, and also have a 'master calendar' view that shows tasks from all spaces in one place (it looks like you're already working on the latter), I wouldn't need Apple Cal anymore. That would be great!
Thanks :)
Include multi-day task information in calendar integration suggestion Resolved
It seems that, currently, calendar integration exports only a task's due date so it appears as an all-day event in an external calendar on only the due date. It would be great if this were the default if the task has only a due date assigned. However, if it also has a start date, please allow the task to be exported as a multi-day event so that its full duration is visible in the external calendar.
Calendar integration for individual spaces suggestion New
It would be great to be able to export tasks with colour coding. If this is not possible with a single calendar subscription URL (?) it would be nice to be able to import different spaces' calendars separately.
Alternatively, I would be happy to use Heyspace as my primary calendar, and so not need to export calendars at all but to do that I would need to be able to import other people's shared calendars into Heyspace like I currently do in Apple Cal.
Tracking individual tasks question New
Hi Guys
I find your program very useful to track the tasks of all my employees, but find it very difficult to track and individuals tasks.
I have set up Lists of To Do, In progress and completed for each of the companies we service.
The problem my employees have is that they struggle to keep track of the tasks assigned to them if they click on their name under team.
They will have 15 companies with tasks for each of these companies under work in progress but have 15 work in progress lists.
Am i missing the solution here?
thank you for your feedback!
The first hint is if you hover on the planet near List name you will see the name of a Space.
You could use a Calendar view in private conversations, different Spaces have different colors so might be easier. Or a List view in a Calendar?
Unfortunately, there is no other view for you to use. We are working on global Calendar but in this case, it might not be helpful.
I will try to think about other ways to solve your issue. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Best regards,
Push Notifications suggestion New
Hi guys, loving hey space so far, but unusable for us without push notifications on mobile.
Is there any timeline on when this might be addressed?
thank you for the feedback!
I really hope that it will be fixed soon. We just submited an update with Apple so it should work soon.
Best regards,
12 hour format for time on chat messages suggestion Backlog
Right now, it's in 24 hour format, so if I sent a message at 3:24 PM it says 15:24
Copy and Paste Attachment suggestion Resolved
If you can add an option to copy a photo (or any document) and paste it directly without saving it in my device then upload it to the card.
The due date color convert to red even if it's done. suggestion Resolved
If the task is done before the due date. it supposed to remain green.
For example.
A task due date is on the 19th of May, the task set as done on the 18th of May. on the 20th of May, the color of the due date is converted to red. it supposed to remain in green as long as the task is done before the due date.
"Small details make a difference"
Add favorites option for spaces suggestion Resolved
Need to select favorite spaces and have a Favorites view.
Multi-select spaces and cards suggestion New
Enable ability to select multiple space, cards, others elements for bulk updates. IE. Archive multiple sites or Update Due Dates on multiple cards
Hangouts integration suggestion Resolved
Chanel per Space and in private conversations.
Audio calls on channels suggestion New
The ability to have audio calls on channels. They should work like Ryver, which works the same as discord except discord has audio-only channels seperate to text-only channels. Ryver allows audio on the text channels (ie hybrid). It should be as simple as hopping onto a channel's audio like yuo do in discord/ryver.
If we had this, we would be able to use as our "all in one" app. Currently we use and discord we use for voice calls.
thank you for the feedback!
We are discussing internal audio calls but in the meantime, we will implement hangouts integration available in Spaces and private chats.
Should be done within a week or two.
Best regards,
How to delete an extra workspace I don't need anymore? question Resolved
I can't seem to find how to delete a workspace.
WorkSpace owner can delete it in Settings -> Manage Workspaces -> Archive:
We will soon implement a "leave" button for normal members.
Best regards,
Damian Dziok
Grouping tasks in board suggestion New
Right now you can add only columns, it would be great if you can also add rows.So it's something like epics, you can see something similar in JIRA.
Windows app: self update or search for updates option suggestion Resolved
As far as I know, i could not find a way to know if I have lastest app version installed.
Would be nice to have a "Search for update" feature.
Gitlab Integration suggestion New
It would be cool if there will be any kind of integration with Gitlab.
Native iPad app suggestion New
It'd be awesome to get a native iPad app for Hey Space! The mobile app is great but a native UX for iPad users would be awesome
Template Projects suggestion New
I would love to see a feature that would allow us to create a new space (project) from a template or existing space (project).
Thank you for your feedback!
We are currently working on a possibility to copy Spaces, so that will somehow solve your request.
Next thing is export/import to excel and creating templates. I would say within a month we will have that.
Best regards,
Add a counter per list suggestion Resolved
Total cards in a list be displayed for ease of tracking how many cards are active per list.
Mention a team member in card description. suggestion Accepted
Simple use the @ symbol to mention a teammate in the card description.
I want to do this so I can have one person responsible for a card for which I use the assign feature but if other stakeholders need to provide support, I would like to mention/alert them in the description area. ("@David will provide the info you need").
You can already do it in the comment area of the card, just asking to add the functionality to the card description.
Wiki page per project suggestion Backlog
Next to Chat and Board also a simple Wiki page for description and simple stuff about the space.
Background images suggestion Accepted
For those of us who love a bit more colour -- would be great to have ability to either upload our own images or to tap into unsplash, like Trello.
Posibility of order change in list of spaces suggestion Resolved
as in the title
Opening/focusing the app when (double) clicking the tray icon suggestion Resolved
Right now, I have to right click the icon and select 'Open'.
Connect to bitbucket Repo suggestion New
Issues can be seen in a section of heyspace,
and any update to repo must me reported to heyspace